Whether you are looking to buy or rent, moving into a new property is an exciting time. However, a quick first viewing may not determine if the property is right for you.
At scottfraser, we want your moving experience to be as smooth and hassle-free as possible so we have compiled 10 vital factors that are important to consider whilst viewing properties.
1. What is included?
Establish whether the previous occupants are intending to leave any items behind and if you do not require these items, check whether it is possible to have them removed before moving in.
2. Damage to fixtures and fittings
If there is any apparent damage or breakages, voice these concerns when viewing the property so you can agree a schedule of repairs before the moving-in deadline approaches or see if you can get money off the asking price.
3. The tenure of the lease
When purchasing a property double check critical factors such as the remaining years on the current lease and if it is a communal building, which service charges apply.
4. Fees
If you are renting, what are the total fees which you will incur? From initial deposits to monthly rent, calculate all expenditure and whether this is within your budget.
5. The previous occupants
Try to establish why the previous occupants are leaving and how long they have lived there for. Pockets of information such as are the neighbours friendly or do they even know their neighbours can give a clearer perspective. The more information you can gather about the specific property and its surrounding area, the more beneficial for your final decision to commit.
6. Do all appliances work?
Check taps, showers, radiators and any white goods to confirm you are satisfied with the general working order of all appliances. Inform the agent immediately if there are issues with any appliances so they can arrange repairs if you're renting. Even inquire with the previous occupants or estate agent as to any relevant servicing of appliances such as the boiler to be aware of the lifespan of current appliances.
7. Phone signal and wi-fi issues
Check your phone signal whilst viewing the property and check online the wi-fi speed in the area. This is particularly important for home offices.
8. Running costs
If possible, ascertain from the previous occupants the total running costs including council tax and utility bills so that you can be aware of them and budget for them.
9. The local area and amenities
Investigate the local amenities by walking around the property and time how long it takes to walk to the local train station, bus station or local shops and cafes. Can you register with a local doctors surgery and dentist? If applicable, are you in the catchment area for the best local schools and nurseries?
10. Outdoor areas
If parking is important, verify any allocated car parking spaces or parking permits in the immediate vicinity. If there is a garden, does it belong to the property or is it communal? If communal, who is responsible for the upkeep and does this incur extra expenditure?
When searching for your next home, save time and pop into your local branch so we can show you what we have available to suit your requirements.
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If you're looking to let or sell your property, we can help. Get in touch with your local branch or book in for a property valuation.
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